König & Meyer 18804 Trolley

260 €
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  • König & Meyer 18804 Trolley
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The unique trolley sets your digital upright piano in motion. This is suitable for all common electric pianos and gives you extra mobility on stage, in the rehearsal room or at home.

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K&M Trolley for Digital Pianos 18804

The unique trolley sets your digital upright piano in motion. This is suitable for all common electric pianos and gives you extra mobility on stage, in the rehearsal room or at home. The adjustable width ranges from 1038 to 1525 mm and in depth, adjustment dimensions of 304 to 526 mm are possible. Thanks to the lockable casters and low-profile design, the digital piano can remain on the trolley even while playing

Depth: from 304 to 526 mm
EAN: 4016842116850
Height: 78 mm
Material: steel
Max. load capacity: 80 kg
Special features: locking casters; lifts the digital upright piano only ~25 mm; self-adhesive felt pads included
Type: black
Weight: 10.758 kg
Width: from 1,038 to 1,525 mm


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Fabricant König & Meyer
EAN 4016842116850
État new
König & Meyer 18804 Trolley
König & Meyer 18804 Trolley
260 €
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