XLN AUDIO Software - AD2: Metal Veuillez noter que les commandes envoyées avec DHL Freight ne quitteront pas notre entrepôt avant le 2 janvier ! Joyeux Noël READ MORE

XLN AUDIO Software - AD2: Metal

93 €
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  • XLN AUDIO Software - AD2: Metal
  • XLN AUDIO Software - AD2: Metal
  • XLN AUDIO Software - AD2: Metal


Hard-as-nails. Produced by Ross Robinson
Ross Robinson is a metal legend. Having discovered bands like Korn Slipknot as well as produced seminal albums for bands including Sepultura, his place in the pantheon of metal is unquestioned. XLN Audio is honored to have Robinson producing this kit.
XLN AUDIO Software - AD2: Metal
XLN AUDIO Software - AD2: Metal
93 €
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