Yamaha CLP-845 Piano Numérique en Ébène Polie

2 704 €
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  • Yamaha CLP-845 Piano Numérique en Ébène Polie
  • Yamaha CLP-845 Piano Numérique en Ébène Polie
  • Yamaha CLP-845 Piano Numérique en Ébène Polie
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Powerful 2-way speakers with diffusers and a superb GrandTouch-S keyboard with wooden keys offer unprecedented performance capability to pianists of all abilities.

  • (45W + 45W) x 2 amplifiers
  • GrandTouch-S™ keyboard: wooden keys (white only), synthetic ebony and ivory key tops, escapement

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Yamaha CLP-845 Digital Piano

Powerful 2-way speakers with diffusers and a superb GrandTouch-S keyboard with wooden keys offer unprecedented performance capability to pianists of all abilities.

Digital never felt so grand

The rich sound of a grand piano lies in the complexity of its design. From the moment pianists press the keys to the moment the sound reaches their ears, more than 8000 parts inside the piano move and vibrate in perfect harmony.

Clavinova CLP digital pianos were conceived to replicate the sensations and experience of playing an acoustic grand piano, on a digital instrument, by combining the latest digital technology with the craft of acoustic piano making cultivated over more than 120 years.

The new CLP-800 series incorporates several new technologies in every step of the process, to replicate the complex interactions that occur inside a grand piano and offer the pianist an experience that is unprecedented in a digital instrument. 

Plus d’information
EAN 4957812699402
État new
Fabricant Yamaha
Série Yamaha Clavinova
Bluetooth Oui
Type de Piano Piano Numérique
Polyphonie 256
Méchanique GrandTouch-S™ keyboard: wooden keys (white only), synthetic ebony and ivory key tops, escapement
Source de Son Yamaha CFX, Bösendorfer Imperial
Sons Internes 38
Chansons de démo Yes
Enregistreur Yes
Haut-Parleurs (45 W + 45 W) × 2
Poids 63 kg
Largeur 145.5 cm
Profondeur 46 cm
Hauteur 109.2 cm
Poids Boîte 1 80 kg
Poids Boîte 2 0 kg
Grandeur Boîte 1 157x57x64 cm

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Yamaha CLP-845 Piano Numérique en Ébène Polie
Yamaha CLP-845 Piano Numérique en Ébène Polie
2 704 €
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