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Kawai DG-30 Polished Ebony Digital Grand PianoAs a consumer, you have a two-year warranty, which means that if a manufacturing fault occurs, you can either have the product repaired, exchanged, get a reduction in the price or the money back, depending on the specific situation. Certain goods have an extended warranty, which is provided by the manufacturer, and the complaint must therefore be addressed there (after the 2 years). This appears on the individual products on the website.
Complaints regarding manufacturing errors and defects must be sent to Digitalpiano.com via an email, within a reasonable time after receipt of the goods. If you make a complaint within two months after the fault is discovered, the complaint will always be timely. In order to solve the problem as quickly as possible, we always recommend that the you send a video where you record audio and video of the problem. If the complaint is justified and the only solution is to take back the instrument, we will refund all costs included the shipping costs. The item must always be sent back in proper packaging, and and if you book the return yourself please remember to get a receipt for the shipping so that we can refund the costs.
Goods must be shipped to:
Digitalpiano.com A/S
Engmarken 22
8220 Brabrand
When the customer returns defective or incorrect goods to Digitalpiano.com, where the fault or defect, defined and specified by the customer, cannot be ascertained, the goods will be returned to the customer including a test fee. The test fee is calculated on the basis of the time spent with testing and troubleshooting, and is assessed on the basis of the specific case. You will be informed in advance about the size of the possible fee which you must accept. Digitalpiano.com reserves the right to charge this fee and shipping costs per cash on delivery if there is no credit agreement. If accessories are sent, the quantity and product description must be included. Goods should be returned with a copy of the invoice, which shows the time of purchase for the complained about product, as otherwise the goods will be stored until a copy of the invoice is available and, if applicable, error message on the product. This can also be done via email.
In some cases, manufacturers offer an extended warranty beyond the normal 2 years. The length of the warranty varies from the different manufacturers, and so do the rules. If you would like to know more about the manufacturers' guarantees, you can read more about this on the manufacturer's website.
3.1 Roland
If you own a product from the HP, LX, DP, KF or GP series, Roland offers an extended 10-year warranty by registering your product on the Roland website. Read more here: roland.com/backstage
3.2 Yamaha
If you own a product from CLP, CVP, CSP or Avantgrand, Yamaha offers an extended 5 year warranty by registering your product on the Yamaha website. Read more here: yamaha.com/en/support/warranty