Casio Privia PX-S3100 Sort Digital Piano

6.290 kr.
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  • Casio Privia PX-S3100 Sort Digital Piano
  • Casio Privia PX-S3100 Sort Digital Piano
  • Casio Privia PX-S3100 Sort Digital Piano
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Privia PX-S3100 er et slankt klaver, der passer næsten overalt, så du kan sidde, hvor du vil, når du komponerer, øver eller fremfører musik. Den har et avanceret design, der giver ekstremt god lyd, og samtidig er meget nem at bruge. Få glæde en lang række performance funktioner, alsidige lyde, avancerede rytmefunktioner og muligheden for automatisk akkompagnement.

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174 kr. pr. måned
Ved et samlet kreditbeløb på 6.290 kr. over 48 mdr.: Månedlig ydelse 174 kr. Samlede kreditomk. 2.058 kr. Samlet tilbagebetaling 8.348 kr. Debitorrente (fast) 0,00%. ÅOP (forudsat betaling via Mit Sparxpres) 15,66%. Der er fortrydelsesret.

Casio PX-S3100 Digital Piano

A key feature of the Privia PX-S3100 is its slim body. It is the world’s slimmest* 88-key digital piano with hammer action. With a depth of just 232 mm, it fits in your living room, bedroom or elsewhere for a living space filled with music.

A Slim, Distinctive Design Perfect for Any Space

A special piano for a special space
The slim size and simple, minimalist design have been crafted to match a range of room sizes and interiors.

The World’s Slimmest* Digital Piano for Any Space

A key feature of the Privia PX-S3100 is its slim body. It is the world’s slimmest* 88-key digital piano with hammer action. With a depth of just 232 mm, it fits in your living room, bedroom or elsewhere for a living space filled with music.

*In terms of depth among digital pianos with 88 hammer-action keys and built-in speaker, Casio survey as of July 2021.

Sophisticated, Minimalist Design

The minimalist design and flat, mirror-like top panel with touch controls offer a sophisticated look. The striking gold logo on the surface of the body adds an extra touch of elegance.

An Instrument that Enriches the Soul
The Next Step in Sound and Grand Piano Playability

The Privia faithfully delivers the sound and playability of a grand piano.
Experience the expressive touch, from the low notes all the way through to the high, and lose yourself in your playing.
Casio’s technology, condensed into a slim body, delivers outstanding performance as an instrument.

Captures Even More Beautifully the Sound of a Grand Piano

A grand piano’s large body and complex structure create a range of resonances that give it a rich, detailed and unique sound. Casio’s original Multi-dimensional Morphing AiR Sound Source accurately generates the unique resonances of a grand piano. The Privia PX-S3100 delivers a vivid, harmonically rich sound thanks to the dense overtones of each individual string for all 88 keys tuned for its unique speaker system. The expressive changes in timbre created by the instrument’s response to key velocity and temporal change are finely controlled, giving you the freedom to truly express yourself in all styles of playing, from soft and nuanced to dynamic and powerful.

A Speaker System that Brings Your Performance to Life

The speaker system of a digital piano is one of the most important factors in determining the realism of the piano sound. The speaker system of the Privia PX-S3100 features a strengthened diaphragm for a cleaner, richer high end and an improved inner structure design for a more dynamic low end. The result is a well-balanced sound with a strong sense of presence and localization that captures every nuance of your performance.

The Delicate, Expressive Touch of a Grand Piano

The Privia PX-S3100 is a pleasure to play thanks to its superb keyboard, which faithfully conveys the nuances of the performance through the player’s fingers. Casio’s Smart Scaled Hammer Action Keyboard, the action mechanism of which has been reduced in size to fit into the slim body, produces the feel and weight of a grand piano. Each of the 88 keys has its own weighted feel and timing for sound production and dampening, enhancing the feeling of playing a grand piano.

Fully Featured for Limitless Musical Possibilities

With 700 tones covering a wide range of musical genres, 200 rhythms and auto-accompaniment feature, a wide range of audio effects and a Pitch Bend Wheel, the Privia PX-S3100 offers limitless musical possibilities. Navigating the full feature set is easy thanks to the LCD screen.

EAN 4971850362654
Stand new
Producent Casio
Modelserie Casio Privia PX-series
Bluetooth Ja
Polyfoni 192
Mekanik Smart Scaled Hammer Action keyboard
Lydkilde Multi-dimentional Morphing AiR
Interne lyde 700
Demo sange Yes
Optager Yes
Udgangseffekt 8W + 8W
Pedal Included: SP-3
Vægt 11 kg
Bredde 132 cm
Dybde 23 cm
Højde 12 cm
Vægt kasse 1 16 kg
Vægt kasse 2 0 kg
Størrelse på Kasse 1 146x30x19 cm
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Casio Privia PX-S3100 Sort Digital Piano

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Casio Privia PX-S3100 Sort Digital Piano

Casio Privia PX-S3100 Sort Digital Piano
Casio Privia PX-S3100 Sort Digital Piano
6.290 kr.
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