Novation 49SL MK3

4.289 kr.
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  • Novation 49SL MK3
  • Novation 49SL MK3
  • Novation 49SL MK3
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Vis varianter af dette produkt

Novation 49SL MK3
4.289,00 kr.
Novation 61SL MK3
4.589,00 kr.


49SL MkIII is the centrepiece for your whole studio, both in and out the box. Create one seamless workflow between your DAW and all your hardware with premium semi-weighted keys, all the essential transport and mixing controls, and an eight-track polyphonic sequencer.

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Novation 49SL MK3 Keyboard

49SL MkIII is the centrepiece for your whole studio, both in and out the box. Create one seamless workflow between your DAW and all your hardware with premium semi-weighted keys, all the essential transport and mixing controls, and an eight-track polyphonic sequencer.

Sprawling setup? Bring MIDI hardware and CV/Gate synths together by plugging them all into your MIDI keyboard controller and keep everything perfectly in sync with one routable clock for the whole system.

  • Easily integrate hardware with your DAW – get the best of both worlds, recording any electronic performance from one studio centrepiece
  • The perfect controller for Live – full parameter feedback across five colour LCD screens, so you can see everything you are controlling.
  • Internal eight-track pattern-based sequencer – record in real time or input notes per step, then edit your sequences directly from the keyboard and record automation
  • LED feedback directly above each key – work with scales and keys and see all your zones and layers with vibrant RGB feedback
  • Comprehensive connectivity – route anything anywhere with USB; MIDI In, Out, Out 2/Thru; three pedal inputs; Analogue Clock Out; and two CV Pitch, Gate, and Mod outputs


EAN 0815301001065
Stand new
Producent Novation
Tangenttype Semi-weighted keys
Optager Internal eight-track pattern-based sequencer – record in real time or input notes per step, then edit your sequences directly from the keyboard and record automation
Andre funktioner Deep integrations with Logic® and Reason – plus HUI compatibility with Cubase, Pro Tools®, Studio One and Reaper – mean SL MkIII can open up any DAW.
Bredde 81.7 cm
Dybde 30 cm
Højde 10 cm
Vægt 5.36 kg
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Novation 49SL MK3

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  • Instrumentet leveres i samlet stand så man ikke skal samle instrumentet selv, således pap og andre store emballagegenstande er fjernet.

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Novation 49SL MK3

Novation 49SL MK3
Novation 49SL MK3
4.289 kr.
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