Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones

880 kr.
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  • Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones
  • Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones
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Clear, Accurate and Comfortable for Studio-Quality Monitoring

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Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones

Clear, Accurate and Comfortable for Studio-Quality Monitoring

When the studio is your thing, and you need to study every detail of a mix, Roland’s RH-200 headphones belong in your control room. Comfortable and light enough for all-night sessions, the RH-200’s closed-back design shuts out external noise and lets you dive into the mix or focus on your performance. With 40mm drivers, neodymium magnets and CCAW (copper-clad aluminium wire) voice coils, the RH-200 offers clear, accurate and natural response, letting you assess everything from stereo image to low end – and always make the correct decision. That level of clarity also makes the RH-200 the ideal choice for other musical scenarios, from practicing your instrument to streaming your latest playlists.

Standard Features

  • Professional stereo headphones with exceptional power, clarity and accuracy
  • Excels at studio monitoring, for producers, engineers and session players
  • Adjustable, lightweight closed-back design provides superior noise isolation and comfort
  • High-power capacity with 40mm drivers, neodymium magnets and CCAW voice coils
  • 180º rotating earpieces for single-ear monitoring
  • Available in black with coiled cable
  • 3.4-metre cable with built-in strain relief
  • Includes gold-plated 1/8-inch stereo connector with 1/4-inch adapter
  • Ideal for other audio applications too


When it comes to studio monitoring and tracking, accuracy matters. That’s where the RH-200 headphones excel. The high-quality construction includes 40mm drivers, neodymium magnets and CCAW voice coils – all contributing to a clear, balanced, neutral sound that helps you make smarter production decisions and release more attention-grabbing music. Whether you’re a producer studying a mix, or a musician tracking your performance on the studio floor, the RH-200 headphones will give you a faithful representation of your music.

Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones


When inspiration strikes in the studio, you’ll want to keep chasing it – and with the RH-200’s comfortable earpieces and lightweight construction, you’ll stay energized and alert, even during long sessions. For monitoring and tracking, the closed-back design offers great noise isolation, so distractions in a busy studio never break your focus. Alternatively, if you need to hear the room, you can also rotate the RH-200 earpieces through 180º for single-ear monitoring, and move freely around the control room thanks to the 3.4-metre cable with built-in strain relief.

Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones

Stand new
Producent Roland
Vægt 0.200000
Konstruktion Over øret
Impedance 65,00 kr.
System Closed
EAN 4957054401405

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Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones

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  • Levering på specifikt tidspunkt
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Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones

Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones
Roland RH-200S Monitor Headphones
880 kr.
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