Sonora SDP-4 Sort Digital Piano

4.990 kr.
Inkl. 25% moms. Levering 110,00 kr.
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  • Sonora SDP-4 Sort Digital Piano
  • Sonora SDP-4 Sort Digital Piano
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The Sonora SDP-4 offers you everything you need to get started playing the piano. It is a modern digital piano which is both aesthetic and functional.

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Sonora SDP-4 Digital Piano

Unlock your musical potential and redefine your playing experience with the Sonora SDP-4 Digital Piano. Invest in quality craftmanship without compromise and the perfect instrument for musicians of all levels.

Authentic Key Action

Immerse yourself in the true essence of piano playing with the Sonora SDP-4´s fully weighted keys, engineered to replicate the feel and response of an acoustic piano. Whether you are practicing delicate passages or unleashing powerful chords, the Sonora SDP-4 responds with great sensitivity and accuracy.

Superior Sound Engine

Delve into a world of sonic excellence with the Sonora SDP4´s advanced sound engine: the DREAM Chip. With great piano voice and 128 polyphony you are able to play the most complcated pieces without compromising the sound quality or the expression.

Beautiful design

With the nordic design and the wooden finish, the Sonora  SDP-4 is the perfect blend of musical instrument and home decor. With its minimalist look it fits perfectly into any living room, bedroom, studio with ease. The different colors make sure that you can find the perfect instrument for your location, while its robust construction ensures years of reliable performance.

Enhanced Pedal System

Enjoy enhanced expression and control with the Sonora SDP-4´s comprehensive triple pedal system. The SDP-4 allows you to masterfully shape your sound, adding depth and emotion to your playing just like you would on a traditional acoustic piano.


With the Sonora SDP-4 you get lots of opportunities. The instrument comes with Bluetooth MIDI and Bluetooth Audio which makes it easy to stream and play along to your favourite songs. It features Dual Headphones so two can enjoy the piano without disturbing, and it also comes with Line Out.

Stand new
Producent Sonora
Bluetooth Nej
Vægt 40 kg
Bredde 137 cm
Dybde 36 cm
Højde 77 cm
Vægt kasse 1 40 kg
Vægt kasse 2 0 kg
Størrelse på Kasse 1 145x45x37 cm

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Sonora SDP-4 Sort Digital Piano

Monteringspakke kan sammen med vores leverandører tilbyde en monteringspakke. En monteringspakke indeholder:

  • Levering på specifikt tidspunkt
  • Instrumentet leveres i samlet stand så man ikke skal samle instrumentet selv, således pap og andre store emballagegenstande er fjernet.

Her skal du ikke tænke på noget, men blot sætte dig tilbage og nyde dit nye instrument.

Man betaler både for at vi samler instrumentet og for leveringen, men også for evt. opbæring på etage, dette gælder også hvis det er en 1. sal i et hus. Prisen udregnes automatisk ved checkout, og koster fra kr. 1.200,-. Det er vigtigt, at man i checkout-processen indikerer hvis man ønsker instrumentet placeret på en 1. sal i et almindeligt hus, ellers kan der tilkomme en ekstraregning for denne service efterfølgende.

Vi klarer det hårde arbejde for dig, så du kan komme i gang med klaverspillet med det samme!

Sonora SDP-4 Sort Digital Piano

Sonora SDP-4 Sort Digital Piano
Sonora SDP-4 Sort Digital Piano
4.990 kr.
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