Nimeni on Morten Juhl-Sørensen, olen Juhl-Sørensen -yhtiön johtaja, joka on myynyt pianoja ja flyygeleitä vuodesta 1895 jo neljännessä sukupolvessa isoisoisäni perustamisesta lähtien. Olemme myyneet digitaalipianoja 1980-luvun alusta niiden saapuessa markkinoille ja autoin itse keräämään ensimmäisiä kappaleita digitaalipianoja Rolandilta, Yamahalta ja Kawailta 8-vuotiaana.
Digitalpiano.com on Juhl-Sørensen-ryhmän itsenäinen yritys ja keskitymme tarjoamaan asiakkaillemme digitaalipianoja parhaalla palvelulla, valikoimalla ja hinnalla. Verkkokauppa myyntimme lähtökohta Euroopassa, mutta haluamme ylläpitää myös fyysisiä myymälöitä, jotta pääsemme lähemmäsi asiakkaitamme. Nykyään meillä on paikalliset Showroomit Kööpenhaminassa ja Århusissa, joissa avasimme vuonna 2021 upouuden toimipisteemme, jossa on esittelytiloja, studioita ja suuri moderni varasto!
Vuodesta 1895 viosionamme on ollut innostaa ihmisiä harrastamaan musiikkia ja pianoa, iskulauseemme on "Play Piano"!
We have added ten new countries to our webshop. We now deliver to most of Europe!
We have added one more country to our webshop. No we also deliver to Spain!
The Netherlands is the latest enlargement. We deliver instruments to 9 different countries in europe!
The digitalpiano.com webshop expands even more. Digital pianos are now being delivered to Belgium and France!
Digitalpiano.com moves together with Juhl-Sørensen to Engmarken 22, 8220 Brabrand. 3.800 m2 that functions as our main warehouse, as studios, concert hall, administration and of course our brand new and top-modern showroom with a huge variety of digital pianos for you to try out!
The foundation has been laid. We are building a brand new 3.800 m2 warehouse, showroom, studios, workshop and so much more. We have created a dedicated page for the process, and you can follow along here
The digitalpiano.com webshop expands to Austria. We are now delivering digital pianos to six countries in Europe!
Hello, Germany! 2020 is a very special year for us because our company is celebrating its 125th anniversary! We have, of course, celebrated and opened a new webshop, namely in Germany. Our parent company Juhl-Sørensen A/S has also registered Digitalpiano.com A/S as an independent company in the group.
The warehouse in Aarhus is being expanded to make room for even more stock. Now, we always have at least 200 digital pianos in stock, ready to ship.
The exhibits are being significantly expanded with models such as the Yamaha Avantgrand models, as well as the new Roland GP-609 and Yamaha CLP-695 digital grand piano, which we believe will help define the digital piano of the future.
Digitalpiano.dk and Juhl-Sørensen open new flagship store in Copenhagen NV with over 50 digital pianos on display. It is hoped that with the new store we can cover the demand in Copenhagen and Zealand.
Juhl-Sørensen opens a shop in Helsinki Finland, and opens the digitalpiano.fi webshop. Juhl-Sørensen thus covers all the Nordic countries with both a brick-and-mortar shop and webshop.
Juhl-Sørensen expands the webshop concept and opens digitalpiano.se and digitalpiano.no.
Juhl-Sørensen opens a dedicated web shop for the sale of digital pianos. Juhl-Sørensen has been selling digital pianos since the 1980s, but only starts taking it seriously in the '00s, with a substantial expansion of the range of physical stores. Juhl-Sørensen is an old Danish company from 1895, which has been trading keyboards ever since. Both the acoustic and digital knowledge add an extra dimension to the sale of keyboard instruments.
Opening of the organ department. In addition to selling pianos, flutes and organs, the first digital pianos to be marketed in the 1980s are also sold.
In 1895 S. J. Sørensen opened a music shop on Søndergade in Aarhus. The product range is, in addition to pianos imported from Germany, musical instruments and sheet music. In 1959 C. E. Juhl-Sørensen entered a dealership agreement for the Danish market with Steinway & Sons, and in 1964 a decision was made for Juhl-Sørensen to be a nationwide seller of flutes and pianos as a specialty.