
1. Cancellation rights

You have the right to cancel your purchase within 14 days from the day you received it, without needing to provide a reason.

If you wish to cancel your purchase, you have to contact us be sending an email to before you return it. You can use the template below.

It is important that you contact us before the 14 days expires if you wish to cancel your purchase.

2. Returning the goods

You, as the buyer, are responsible for the cost of the delivery back to our warehouse. You are more than welcome to contact us to help book the shipment, but we will not cover the cost.

Extra costs regarding the delivery of your instrument will not be refunded either.

  • DO NOT write on the box.
  • ONLY use clear tape on the box.
  • The instrument MUST be returned in the original box as when you received it.
  • The instrument will put up for sale once returned.

If the instrument has been damaged and/or has signs of use, if you write on the box, or if the box has been damaged, it is considered a loss of value and in some cases the full purchase amount will not be refunded and rarely not at all – depending on the damage.

In the event of a refund, the money will be refunded by the same payment method as the one used when purchased. In some cases, there will be an extra fee with the refund process, and you will be asked to pay that as well. The money will be refunded when we have received the goods and checked them.

The goods must be in our possession within 14 days from the date you informed us that you wanted to cancel your purchase. We will not accept packages delivered a post office or a parcel shop.

The goods must be shipped to: A/S
Engmarken 22,
8220 Brabrand

We are happy to help you return your goods, but you, as the buyer, are responsible for the cost.

Price list for the return cost:

0-49 kg.
50-99 kg.
100+ kg.

You can use the cancellation rights without any extra costs until the instrument has been picked up from our warehouse. Once it has been picked up the above price list is applied, also if it has not been delivered.

The right of cancellation does not apply to the following:

  • Delivery of goods that are prefabricated and which have been manufactured individually according to the specific requirements of the buyer.
  • Instruments and/or accessories which are not to be found on our website in general.
  • In-ear headphones
  • When purchasing software where the seal is broken, or the product has been in any way used, installed, or registered by the customer.
  • Or by mutual agreement

When returning goods that include software that needs to be registered, and where the software has been registered by the buyer, we will deduct an amount of 570 SEK from the refund to the customer to restore the software license, so the software can be resold with the product.

3. In case of an assembly packages.

In case you got your piano delivered as an assembly package, you, as the buyer, are responsible for the return process the cost of it. Furthermore 10% will be deducted from the refundable amount since the original box is gone. The extra delivery cost which the assembly package costs, will not be refunded either.

4. In case of buying with a loan.

You, as the buyer, must make sure to contact the loan provider yourself, in case you wish to cancel your purchase.

5. Template

Cancellation form

(If you wish to cancel your contract of purchase, please fill out this form and return it to us.)

– To Customer Service, A/S, Engmarken 22, 8220 Brabrand, Denmark,

– I/we (*) hereby cancel the agreement entered by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/provision of the following service (*)

– Ordered the (*)/received the (*)

- Order number (*)

– Name of the buyer

– Buyer’s address

– Buyer’s signature (only on paper format)

– Date

(*) Remove where it is not suitable.